Türkiye Üstün Zekalı ve Dahi Çocuklar Eğitim Vakfı


TÜZDEV Journal evaluates all studies related to gifted children and their education.

Fields of Study:

  1. Identification of Gifted Individuals
  2. Education of Gifted Individuals
  3. Diagnosis of Gifted Individuals
  4. Educator Training for Gifted Individuals
  5. Guidance and Psychosocial Development in Gifted Individuals
  6. Intelligence and Talent Research
  7. Educational Strategies for Gifted Individuals
  8. Employment of Gifted Individuals
  9. Career Planning for Gifted Individuals
  10. Interdisciplinary Studies on Gifted Individuals
  11. Development and Mentorship Programs for Gifted Individuals
  12. Neuroscientific Studies on Gifted Individuals
  13. Social and Emotional Development in Gifted Individuals
  14. Twice-Exceptional Gifted Children

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